计划开课时间:2024/05/13-2024/06/14(5 周课程)
上课时间 TIME | 课程名称 COURSE NAME | 授课老师 INSTRUCTOR |
TBA | (0601H212) 美国史:自内战以来 (U.S. History: Since the Civil War) | TBA |
(0601H260) 世界史 (World History) | TBA | |
(0601H312) 1945年以后的德国 (Germany since 1945) | TBA | |
(0502E223) 公共演讲 (Public Speaking/Communication) | TBA | |
(0503C302) 跨文化交际 (Intercultural Communication) | TBA | |
(0502E113) 西方现代文学 (Introduction to Modern Western Literature) | TBA | |
(0101P115) 哲学导论 (Introduction to Philosophy | TBA | |
(0101P212) 近现代哲学 (Early Modern Philosophy) | TBA | |
(0101R100) 宗教概论 (Introduction to Religions | TBA | |
(0502S101) 基础西班牙语I (Elementary Spanish I | TBA | |
(0502E210) 技术写作 (Technical Writing | TBA | |
(0101S101) 社会学基础 (Introduction to Sociology | TBA | |
(0101S325) 人口与社会 (Population and Society) | TBA | |
(0101G301) 性别与社会研究 (Gender, Sexuality and Society | TBA | |
(0101P100) 心理学原理 (Principles of Psychology | TBA | |
(0101P100H) 心理学原理(Honor) (Honor Principles of Psychology | TBA | |
(0201E102) 宏观经济学 (Macroeconomics) | TBA | |
(0201E310) 中级宏观经济学 (Intermediate Macroeconomics | TBA | |
(0201E101) 微观经济学 (Microeconomics | TBA | |
(0201E350) 中级微观经济学 (Intermediate Microeconomics) | TBA | |
(0201E330) 货币银行学 (Money and Banking) | TBA | |
(0101G110H) 世界地理入门(Honor) (Honor Introduction to World Geography) | TBA | |
(0702P101) 物理基础Ⅰ(含实验) (Fundamentals of Physics I (With Lab)) | TBA | |
(0702P100) 物理基础Ⅰ (Fundamentals of Physics I) | TBA | |
(0704B101) 生物学导论(带实验) (Introductory Biology (With Lab)) | TBA | |
(0704B100) 生物学导论 (Introductory Biology) | TBA | |
(0703C101) 基础化学 I(带实验) (General Chemistry I (With Lab)) | TBA | |
(0703C100) 基础化学 I (General Chemistry I) | TBA | |
(0704N112) 营养学原理 (Principles of Nutrition) | TBA | |
(0702M131) 气象与气候学入门 (Introduction to Meteorology and Climate) | TBA | |
(0501A335) 艺术史:文艺复兴时期至现代的西方艺术史 (Art History: Renaissance to Modern Art in the West) | TBA | |
(0501A200) 电影史 (Introduction to Film History) | TBA | |
(1102B210) 商业伦理学 (Business Ethics | TBA | |
(1102A220) 财务会计学 (Financial Accounting) | TBA | |
(1102A221) 管理会计学 (Managerial Accounting) | TBA | |
(1102M200) 市场营销原理 (Principles of Marketing) | TBA | |
(0701S201) 统计学基础 (Introduction to Statistics) | TBA | |
(0701M340) 线性代数 (Linear Algebra) | TBA | |
(0701M230) 微积分 II (Calculus II) | TBA | |
(0701M375) 多变量微积分 (Multivariable Calculus) | TBA | |
(0806C220) 基础编程 (Introduction to Programming | TBA | |
(0504A110) 素描基础 (Introduction to Drawing) | TBA | |
(0201E307) 劳动经济学 (Labor Economics) | TBA | |
(0701M245) 线性代数和微分方程 (Linear Algebra and Differential Equations) | TBA | |
(0701M320) 概率论导论 (Introduction to Probability | TBA | |
(0201E301) 计量经济学导论 (Introduction to Econometrics) | TBA | |
(0701S303) 应用线性统计学模型 (Applied Linear Statistical Models) | TBA | |
(0701M110) 微积分 I (Calculus I) | TBA | |
(0502J101) 基础日语I (Elementary Japanese I) | TBA |
计划开课时间:2024/05/13-2024/06/14(5 周课程)
上课时间 TIME | 课程名称 COURSE NAME | 授课老师 INSTRUCTOR |
(0601H212) 美国史:自内战以来(U.S. History: Since the Civil War) | TBA |
(0101S325) 人口与社会(Population and Society) | TBA | |
(0501A335) 艺术史:文艺复兴时期至现代的西方艺术史(Art History: Renaissance to Modern Art in the West) | TBA | |
(0101S101) 社会学基础(Introduction to Sociology) | TBA | |
(0601H312) 1945年以后的德国(Germany since 1945) | TBA | |
(0101P100H) 心理学原理(Honor)(Honor Principles of Psychology) | TBA | |
(0101P100) 心理学原理(Principles of Psychology) | TBA | |
(0101P115) 哲学导论(Introduction to Philosophy) | TBA | |
(0702M131) 气象与气候学入门I(Introduction to Meteorology and Climate) | TBA | |
(0601H260) 世界史(World History) | TBA | |
(0101G301) 性别与社会研究(Gender, Sexuality and Society) | TBA | |
(0101P212) 近现代哲学(Early Modern Philosophy) | TBA | |
(0501A200) 电影史(Introduction to Film History) | TBA | |
(0101G110H) 世界地理入门(Honor)(Honor Introduction to World Geography) | TBA | |
(0704B100) 生物学导论(Introductory Biology) | TBA | |
(0704B101) 生物学导论(带实验)(Introductory Biology (With Lab)) | TBA | |
(0702P101) 物理基础Ⅰ(含实验)(Fundamentals of Physics I (With Lab)) | TBA | |
(0702P100) 物理基础Ⅰ(Fundamentals of Physics I) | TBA | |
(1102B210) 商业伦理学(Business Ethics) | TBA | |
(0701S201) 统计学基础(Introduction to Statistics) | TBA | |
(0701M340) 线性代数(Linear Algebra) | TBA | |
(0502E113) 西方现代文学(Introduction to Modern Western Literature) | TBA | |
(0502E223) 公共演讲(Public Speaking/Communication) | TBA | |
(0703C101) 基础化学 I(带实验)(General Chemistry I (With Lab)) | TBA | |
(0703C100) 基础化学 I(General Chemistry I) | TBA | |
(0502E210) 技术写作(Technical Writing) | TBA | |
(0701M240) 离散数学入门(Introduction to Discrete Mathematics) | TBA | |
(0201E330) 货币银行学(Money and Banking) | TBA | |
(0201E101) 微观经济学(Microeconomics) | TBA | |
(0806C220) 基础编程(Introduction to Programming) | TBA | |
(0701M230) 微积分 II(Calculus II) | TBA | |
(0201E310) 中级宏观经济学(Intermediate Macroeconomics) | TBA | |
(0201E102) 宏观经济学(Macroeconomics) | TBA | |
(0201E305) 发展经济学导论(Introduction to Development Economics) | TBA | |
(0101E230) 环境伦理学(Environmental Ethics) | TBA | |
(0101R100 宗教概论(Introduction to Religions) | TBA | |
(0701M375) 多变量微积分(Multivariable Calculus) | TBA | |
(1102M200) 市场营销原理(Principles of Marketing) | TBA | |
(0201E350) 中级微观经济学(Intermediate Microeconomics) | TBA | |
(0704N112) 营养学原理(Principles of Nutrition) | TBA | |
(0503C302) 跨文化交际(Intercultural Communication) | TBA | |
(1102A220) 财务会计学(Financial Accounting) | TBA | |
(0502S101) 基础西班牙语I(Elementary Spanish I) | TBA | |
(0701M350) 数学建模(Mathematical Modelling) | TBA | |
(1102A221) 管理会计学(Managerial Accounting) |
TBA | |
(0201E386) 微观经济学原理III(Microeconomic Theory III) | TBA | |
(0101A210) 亚洲文化:至1500(Asian Civilization to 1500) | TBA | |
(0701M450) 数值分析(Numerical Analysis) | TBA | |
(0501A334) 西方艺术史:古代至中世纪(Art History: Ancient to Medieval Art in the West) | TBA |